Where can I download the firmware?

Download & Support -> Firmware -> System -> Corresponding Version.

Does Neardi-3568 support Ubuntu 18.04/22.04 systems?

We mainly maintain the Ubuntu 20.04 system. For other systems, please port them yourself.

What is the default username and password for Ubuntu 20.04?

  • Username:neardi

  • Password:lindikeji

  • Switch to superuser : sudo -s

Where can I download the baseboard schematic?

The baseboard schematic and SDK are sent together with the download link, which can be found in the Hardware Design Documentation directory.

Display Issues

VGA not displaying

No sound with VGA

The VGA protocol does not carry audio.

LVDS not displaying

LVDS display has no menu

  • Use the xrandr command to switch to the main screen.

  • Switch by entering commands through the serial port or by connecting to an HDMI2 display.

How to convert colors with RGA?

Refer to the source code in SDK/external/linux-rga.

How to use hardware encoding and decoding?

  • Multimedia directory in the network disk data Linux/Multimedia.

  • Rockchip MPP

Cross-compilation environment

  • PC cross-compilation environment:SDK/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/ directory.

  • For cross-compilation on the 3588 board, you need to install:

sudo apt-get install gcc g++ clang make-guile build-essential

How to enter the flashing mode?

Why is the partition definition smaller than the partition firmware?

  • For example,0x00020000@0x00008000(boot),the actual compiledboot.img is about 20MB.

  • The size before the @ symbol is the size of the partition, the address after the @ symbol is the starting address of the partition, and the name in parentheses is the name of the partition, all in sectors (512Bytes).

  • The boot starts at the position of 0x00008000 sectors (64MB), with a size of 0x20000 sectors (64MB).

When flashing the kernel partition separately, it prompts “Boot exceeds Flash size, download failed”

Click on Device Partition Table and then click Execute.

How to log in to ssh as the root user?

Some firmware versions do not have a configured root password by default.

sudo passwd root # Enter the password twice

To modify the  ssh configuration file to allow root user login, you can use the following command:

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config # Edit the configuration file
PermitRootLogin yes # Change this line to yes

To restart the  ssh serviceto apply the changes, you can use the following command:

sudo service ssh restart # For Ubuntu systems
sudo systemctl restart sshd # For CentOS systems

To log in to the Linux system using the  root user and password via ssh, for example:

ssh root@ # Enter the password

How to cancel the requirement for a password with sudo?

Modify /etc/sudoers ,replace %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL with %sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

How to cancel automatic login on the serial port?

Modify /lib/systemd/system/serial-getty\@.service,comment out theautologin line, and open the next line.

--- a/serial-getty@.service
+++ b/serial-getty@.service
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ Before=rescue.service
 # The '-o' option value tells agetty to replace 'login' arguments with an
 # option to preserve environment (-p), followed by '--' for safety, and then
 # the entered username.
-ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear %I $TER
-#ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -o '-p -- \\u' --keep-baud 115200,38400,9600 %I $TERM
+#ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear %I $TER
+ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -o '-p -- \\u' --keep-baud 115200,38400,9600 %I $TERM

USB serial port not working?

Enter the configuration interface with the following command:

ARCH=arm64 make menuconfig
  • In the configuration interface, select Device Drivers->USB support->USB Serial Converter support->Corresponding model,press space to select the configuration.

  • Save the kernel configuration options menu:

ARCH=arm64 make savedefconfig
  • After saving, a defconfig file will be generated in the SDK root directory.

  • Replace the config:

cp defconfig kernel/arch/arm64/configs/rockchip_linux_defconfig
  • Then compile the kernel in the  kernel  directory:

./build.sh kernel
The compiled boot.img is in the kernel directory and can be flashed separately to the partition. For the flashing method, please refer to the chapter[《Upgrading Firmware with USB Cable》](http://wiki.neardi.com/wiki/rk3568/zh_CN/docs/upgrade.html).
 It can also be packaged and flashed as a whole.

## How to install the OpenCV package?

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv

How to play RTSP streams?

gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc location=rtsp://your_rtsp_url ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! mppvideodec ! fpsdisplaysink

How to turn off the screensaver?

Click on the menu in the lower-left corner ->  Preferences -> Screensaver -> Mode -> Disable Screen Saver 。

SSH frequently disconnects

Check if the system has gone into sleep mode.

apt update fails

  • Check if your network is normal, whether you can access the external network, and whether you need a proxy or authentication.

  • Change your software source to a domestic mirror site, such as Alibaba Cloud or Tsinghua University, to improve download speed and stability. Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file. To clear the cache and old index files, you can use the following command:

sudo apt clean
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

For example, to replace all archive.ubuntu.com with mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn ,you can use the following command:

sudo sed -i 's/archive.ubuntu.com/mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/g' /etc/apt/sources.list

To synchronize system time and timezone, you can use the following command:

sudo ntpdate cn.pool.ntp.org # Synchronize time
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata # Select timezone

To apply network changes, if you have modified settings such as IP address or DNS, you can use the following command:

sudo netplan apply

What to do if the system starts abnormally and keeps rebooting?

It is possible that the power supply current is insufficient. Please use a power supply with a voltage of 12V and a current of 2.5A~3A.

USB 3.0 Host port does not respond when inserting a USB drive or mouse

Temporary modification method

Force switch to Host mode:

sudo -s
echo host > /sys/devices/platform/fe8a0000.usb2-phy/otg_mode

How to change the NTP server in Ubuntu

Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 by default uses the systemd-timesyncd service to synchronize time, which connects to the ntp.ubuntu.com time server. To change this server, you can follow these steps:

  1. Stop the systemd-timesyncd service with the command:

sudo systemctl stop systemd-timesyncd
  1. Edit /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf file,find the NTP= line,and changentp.ubuntu.com to your desired time server,such as cn.pool.ntp.org.If there is a # symbol in front of this line, remove it. Save and exit the file.

  2. Restart the systemd-timesyncd service with the command:

sudo systemctl start systemd-timesyncd

4.Check the time synchronization status with the command:

timedatectl status


Local time: Wed 2022-12-15 16:32:19 CST
Universal time: Wed 2022-12-15 08:32:19 UTC
RTC time: Wed 2022-12-15 08:32:19
Time zone: Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
System clock synchronized: yes
systemd-timesyncd.service active: yes
RTC in local TZ: no
  1. To check the current NTP server being used:

systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service

How to change DNS in Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu 20.04 uses systemd-resolved as the local DNS server,which automatically edits the /etc/resolv.conf file to point to

  1. To change the DNS server, you can edit the /etc/systemd/resolved.conf file,and addDNS and FallbackDNS parameters in the [Resolve] section,then restart the systemd-resolved service. For example:

  1. To restart the systemd-resolved service, enter the command:

sudo service systemd-resolved restart
  1. To check the DNS status, enter the command:

systemd-resolve --status

Writing tool for SN and MAC addresses

**Note:**If the development board has undergone an eMMC erase operation, previously written data will also be cleared.

Windows method

  • Install RKDevInfoWriteTool

  • Download link

  • In the Settings of RKDevInfoWriteTool,select”RPMB”

  • Configure “SN,” “WIFI MAC,” “LAN MAC,” “BT MAC,” etc., in the Settings of RKDevInfoWriteTool as needed

  • Enter loader mode on the development board

  • Perform writing or reading operations with RKDevInfoWriteTool For specific operations, refer to the《RKDevInfoWriteTool User Guide》PDF document in the installation directory of RKDevInfoWriteTool.

No sound in Ubuntu system, how to deal with it?

  • Ensure that the monitor has a speaker function

  • Bottom left corner Menu -> Sound & Video/Multimedia -> PulseAudio Volume Control -> Configuration,select the corresponding sound source.

  • Install aplay for testing

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install alsa-utils

aplay -Dhw:0,0 test.wav //Play audio